Prime Time Vol. 63, No.11

Can you believe how fast this year is going? While watching a TV program last night, a character commented that the days are long but the years go fast. I personally find both speeding by but I know that this is true for some of you. So, if your days are long, here...

Prime Time Vol. 63, No.10

As I am writing this, it is technically not fall yet but I love it so much, I start early.  I love everything pumpkin spice food created and the beauty of the changing leaves.  Are you ready to have some fun in the last quarter of this year?  The senior council has...

Prime Time Vol. 63, No. 9

We have 2 events this month.  On Wednesday, September 6, we will head to Sikeston, MO for a stop at the Sikeston Depot lunch after at Lambert’s Café.  Get ready to catch a throwed roll!  The bus will leave at 9 a.m.  (Note that this time is earlier than usual). This...

Prime Time Vol. 63, No. 8

I can’t believe I’m already writing my August Forerunner.  Time flies when you’re having fun.  I’ve got a couple of things to add to your summer fun so here goes. We have had to make a change of plans for our Monday, August 7 trip.  During the flooding last July, Old...

Prime Time Vol. 63, No. 7

Hope you are enjoying your summer so far.  I wish I could take you to the beach but … how about these activities instead. On Friday, July 7 at 10 a.m., we will go to the Miniature Museum.  This museum has an extensive display of tiny objects.  There is everything from...

Prime Time Vol. 63, No. 6

Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime!  Time for trips, pool parties, graduations, BBQ.  I love the summer and we have one packed with adventure for our prime timers! We finally were able to arrange to go to the newly renovated Holocaust Museum but had to...