Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime!  Time for trips, pool parties, graduations, BBQ.  I love the summer and we have one packed with adventure for our prime timers!

We finally were able to arrange to go to the newly renovated Holocaust Museum but had to adjust the schedule a little.

We will leave church at 10:45 on Wednesday, June 7 to have lunch at Grassis which opens at 11.  We need to make our lunch somewhat quick as we should arrive at the museum by 12:15 for check in.  We will listen to a Holocaust survivor from 12:30-1:30 and then go on a guided tour from 1:30-3:00pm.  The cost of the tour is $10 each and I must pay this in advance.  If you sign up and don’t come, you will still have to pay for your ticket.

On Thursday, June 22, we will leave for a tour of historic homes in St. Genevieve.  We will eat first at the Brickhouse.  We do not yet have a price for the homes we are going to tour but it appears that admission is generally $3-$5 with some places being free.  The Brick House Restaurant is the oldest brick building west of the Mississippi River.  It was built in 1780.  According to their website, they have a lunch buffet for $11.75.  They feature American food.

Below are upcoming events for the next quarter so mark your calendar:

Friday, July 7 Miniature Museum and Hodak’s for lunch

Monday July 24 Sandwiches /movie.  Joseph produced by Sight and Sound

Monday August 7 Old St. Ferdinand Shrine and Cugino’s for lunch

Mon-Thur., Aug 21-24 Adult VBS

Wednesday, Sept 6 Sikeston Depot and Lamberts for lunch

Monday Sept 25 Chihuly at the MO Botanical Garden and lunch at Zia’s

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for these events and sign up.