Happy New Year! I always like a chance for new beginnings – a time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Most people go on diets or start a new exercise regimen. My question for you, however, is how do you plan to grow spiritually and to serve in your church and community? I have built some opportunities for service into our first quarter plans and would encourage all of you to participate in our Bible reading plan for starters.

We will begin in Matthew the first quarter of this year and do one chapter a day until we finish the synoptic gospels. If you don’t know what that means, this is your opportunity to continue learning. Make every effort this year  to know God more intimately through prayer, Bible study, and learning.to get

On Wednesday, January 10 at 11, we will have a soup and salad lunch followed by the movie, The Hill. This is the inspiring, true story of baseball phenomenon Ricky Hill. Ricky is an extremely talented player who is burdened by leg braces from a degenerative spinal disease. Will his faith and love of the game allow him to play professional baseball? Come and find out. The movie is free but your lunch is $7.

Then on Friday, January 26, we will head to Florissant to the Shrine of St. Ferdinand, established in 1789. The shrine tells the story of St. Philippine Duchesne, the Jesuits, and the pioneer days of the Louisiana purchase. The tour itself is free but donations are appreciated. We will have lunch after at Cugino’s, home of the stuffed meatball – Yummy!

Praying you all have a blessed New Year!