Mobile Markets 2022

We are continuing our partnership with the St. Louis Area Foodbank to provide Mobile Markets for anyone in the community who needs help with groceries.  On the second Monday of every month we will distribute food starting at 10:00 a.m.  People can just pull through our parking lot and have free groceries put in their car, and anyone in the community is welcome!  Our upcoming 2022 dates will be: February 14, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13, July 11, August 8, September 12, October 10, November 14, and December 12.  Also, please pass the word along to anyone in your life that you know may benefit from free groceries.

Praying for Our Missionaries

As we kick off the new year it would be great to continue to pray for our members that are serving throughout the world on the mission field. Take a moment right now as you read this to pray for Darci, Sarah, and the Hackneys as they serve overseas to declare the glory of God!