Week of Prayer for North American Mission, March 29-April 4

I hope you will pray with us March 29 – April 4 during our Week of Prayer for North American Missions. You can download the prayer guide on the Downloads section of our website. Also, be praying about what you would be willing to give to support those missionaries. On Sunday, April 4 we will take a special offering for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Our goal this year is $13,000. All the money given goes towards North American Missionaries spreading the Gospel all over our continent.

Easter is Coming!

I hope that you will worship our risen Savior with us either in person or online on Sunday, April 4! My question for you is who are you going to invite to come and worship with you? The Gospel message will be declared. Who do you know that needs to hear that message? If you are coming in person, invite them to join you. If you’re watching online, invite them to watch online. Either way, there are people in your life, and mine, that need to hear the Gospel message.  Who will you invite?