OCC Boxes

The Operation Christmas Child boxes are available! Every year thousands of these boxes are sent to children all over the world each with special Christmas gifts and Gospel materials for children. Each box has instructions inside for what to buy and how to ship them. Make sure to pick up your box (or 2, or more!), fill it, and bring it back by November 17 to make an impact in our world this Christmas season!

Starting Point

For our new or prospective members, we want to invite you to Starting Point on Sunday, November 21.  Immediately following the 2nd service that day we will have lunch and then talk through what it means to be a member of the church and how you can connect here! Contact Andrew at andrew@feefeebc.org or (314) 739-1525, to sign up. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, November 14.

Upcoming Mobile Market Dates

Anyone in the community is welcome to drive through our Mobile Markets on the following days from 10:00 a.m. until noon (or whenever we run out of food) to have FREE groceries put in their car!

  • November 8
  • November 22
  • December 6
  • December 20