Backpack Ministry Restarting

With Pattonville schools starting in-person learning we are restarting our Backpack Ministry. Drop your food donations off at the church to help provide weekend meals for some Pattonville students. Recommended donations are: cereal bars, oatmeal packs, Pop Tarts, granola bars, mini muffins, fruit cups, peanut butter, jelly, mac and cheese, cans of chicken or tuna, hearty soups, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, chili, meat sticks, applesauce, Rice-a-Roni, Spaghetti-Os or canned ravioli, canned pasta sauce and pasta noodles. Thank you for your willingness to give!

Operation Christmas Child

The Operation Christmas Child boxes will be available on Wednesday, October 21! Every year thousands of boxes filled with Christmas gifts are sent to children all over the world through Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child boxes. This is an opportunity to bless kids in need with presents and the Gospel. Make sure to pick up your box (or 2 or more), fill it, and bring it back by Wednesday, November 18. You can also support this effort by donating the $9.00 cost per box for shipping.

Dominican Republic Mission Trip

We are taking a team to serve in the Dominican Republic next summer, July 10-16! If you missed our informational meeting but are interested in serving on the trip contact Andrew ( and he will get you all the details. Remember the application and deposit are due by Sunday, November 15.

Upcoming Mobile Market Dates:

November 2, 16, and 30

December 14 and 28