Blood Drive Results

Thank you to everyone that came out and donated blood at our Blood Drive on May 13! We ended up being able to collect 20 units of blood. The American Red Cross representative said that because each donation could help up to three patients, these pints of blood could help up to 60 lives! The Red Cross was also very excited that there were 10 new donors from this event. Your willingness to show love to our community in this way is greatly appreciated. We are currently working on scheduling another blood drive later in the summer. The dates will be announced as soon as they are scheduled.

Food Donations

We have had such big success with our Mobile Markets that we’ve had a lot of people asking if they can contribute food. The answer is yes…sort of. The Mobile Market food is provided by St. Louis Area Foodbank. However, we are continuing to have more and more people ask for food donations from the church outside of just the Mobile Market. We believe that will continue to rise. We would love to have food donations given to our food pantry to be able to meet all those needs. If you would like to donate food directly you can bring it to the church during office hours or you can give money online through the church website. Food insecurity was already a problem in our area, and this is going to continue to increase as a need due to the current state of things. As always, thank you for your support!