Easter is coming!

Easter is coming next week, April 12!  While you may not be able to invite people to join you for worship in person, we still want you to invite people to church online! There are a few ways you could do this:

If you are not on Facebook, ask your friends and family to watch the service live on the church website (www.feefeebc.org) along with you. Then afterwards, call them or text them and have a conversation. Ask questions like: Did you enjoy the service? Which point of Pastor Zach’s stood out the most to you? Which song was your favorite and why?

If you are watching on Facebook and want to invite specific friends or family members, you can host a watch party. While you are watching the video, hit “Share” and at the bottom of that list is “Start a Watch Party.” Then you can have a private conversation just with your friends and family members that join you to watch.

If you don’t want to host a watch party, you can also hit “Share” and at the top of that list select “Share Now (Public).” Then any of your friends who watch can join the conversation with everyone else on Facebook that is watching.

However you do it, invite people to join you for worship this Easter. Even though you can’t meet in person, the Gospel message can still be shared! Most importantly, be praying for the lost this Easter season. As this virus causes more fear in our world, people desperately need the hope that comes through salvation through faith in Jesus.