How to be missional and isolated

I know that in all the chaos and strangeness of the Coronavirus effects, many people are stuck inside on their own. It’s easy in that situation to feel very limited including in our ability to reach people with the Gospel. As I thought about this, I thought about Paul being isolated in prison. But in that state he didn’t say “woe is me” and do nothing. He realized he is still called to proclaim the Gospel and writes letters to churches to encourage them, challenge them, and let them know he was praying for them. He spoke with the guards around him about the Gospel. He still reached people with the Gospel during his isolation. Amid our own isolation we are still called to reach people with the Gospel – we just have to think creatively about how to do it. Here are some ideas: 

  • Pray. No matter what your situation or limitations you can pray. Pray for our world, healing, wisdom for leaders, the lost, healthcare workers, your neighbors…the list could go on forever. Take quality time to pray.
  • Contact those in your life that are on their own or may battle with loneliness. Call them, send a text or an email, Skype them, or write a letter. Let them know you were thinking about them. Continue to check in with the people in your life.
  • If you are younger and physically healthy, provide for your neighbors who aren’t. Ask them if you could go grocery shopping for them or pick up medication. Ask parents who are working if you could watch their kids for a day. Order a dinner to be delivered to the family with the parent whose hours have been cut back at work.

These are just some quick ideas, but I encourage you to think creatively and find ways to show the love of God to those in our world who are hurting and afraid today. Church, just like Paul, our isolation doesn’t have to keep us from declaring the love of God by loving the people around us.

Week of Prayer for North American Missions – March 29 – April 4

During these coming weeks there will be plenty of North American Missionaries that are working extra hard to try and reach people in new ways. They could definitely use our prayers. March 29 through April 4 is a Week of Prayer for North American Missions. You can download the prayer guide on the “Downloads” section of our website. Then Sunday, April 5 we are taking a special offering for the Annie Armstrong Offering – all the money given to this offering goes towards North American Missionaries. Please be praying for our missionaries!