Windermere Mission Trip Info Meeting

Our church is going to serve at Windermere Baptist Conference Center again this year. Each year, Windermere hosts hundreds of people on their campus to allow them the opportunity to hear the Gospel. They need a lot of help to make this happen. We will be taking a team the week of July 12-17, 2020 to faithfully serve in this endeavor. This is a trip for any age person. If you are interested in this trip or have questions you can come to an informational meeting on Sunday, February 23, at noon in the Coffee Café. We hope you will pray for this trip and pray about being a part of it.

Tom and Lela Warner Short Term Missions Offering

On Sunday, February 23, we will have a special offering for our Tom and Lela Warner Short Term Missions Fund. In both morning worship services we will take a special collection for this fund which supports our members going on mission trips each year.  Over the years these funds have been used to send our people all over the country and world to share the Gospel message. This year the fund will be helping our members share God’s love in North Carolina, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Missouri. If you feel led to give towards this fund just write on your envelope or on the memo line of your check “Short Term Missions.” Thank you for your continued support of missions both locally and internationally!