I am always impressed with Fee Fee’s willingness to support the Gospel being spread near and far! 2019 has been no exception to that. We continued in some great, loving, established partnerships and also explored some new exciting opportunities. Let me go over some quick stats for you of how you supported missions:

  • You raised over $3,000 to provide clean drinking water for our partner church in the Dominican Republic. In 2019, we made progress with the project: the initial hole was dug, the pipe was installed, the water was tested, and the first round of pump equipment was bought. Please continue to pray towards the completion of this project in 2020.
  • We sent 60 people on mission trips to Dominican Republic, Houston, Ukraine, Missouri, Mexico, and Windermere.
  • We sent over $12,000 to the North American Missions through Annie Armstrong giving and over $16,000 to International Missions through Lottie Moon giving.
  • Once a month we provided dinner to Loaves and Fishes Homeless Shelter and built relationships with the clients there.
  • We did our first Impact Week where we gave 455 volunteer hours to our surrounding community.

This is not an exhaustive list but gives you a picture of some of the ways God used us in this past year for His glory. Thank you for lovingly caring that the Gospel message is shown and told to those in our neighborhoods and around the world. I can’t wait to see how God uses us to continue to share the Good News in 2020!