Chi Alpha News – Vol. 61, No. 15

DNOW Thank you so much, Church, for your support of DNOW this past weekend! This weekend was not possible without your generosity, prayer, and support of our youth ministry. We had 30 students this weekend, 11 of which were friends brought by our students. They all...

Music Musings – Vol. 61, No. 15

Choir Returning to 8:30 a.m. Worship Our choir will begin rehearsing on August 2 and will return to lead in worship on September 5. It has been about 18 months since our choir has been “on duty,” and I know everyone will be happy to see them returning to...

Prime Time – Vol. 61, No. 15

Don’t forget to sign up for our trip the Churchill Museum in Fulton, scheduled for Monday, August 9.  I have arranged a tour for us at 12:30 p.m. We will eat lunch when we get there at Beks, which is supposed to be one of the best restaurants...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 61, No. 15

Ready for another challenge? I know many of you have been faithful in reading the entire New Testament and Isaiah this year.  We have decided to continue with our churchwide reading plan. We will finish Isaiah on August 6 and will begin the Pentateuch (Genesis –...

Community Connection – Vol. 61, No. 15

Thank you for giving life by giving blood! Thank you to everyone that gave blood on July 14! We collected 17 units of blood that can bless up to 51 people. I appreciate your willingness to give to save lives. Our next blood drive will be September 10. Impact Week,...

Devotional Corner – Vol. 61, No. 15

“By faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope,” Galatians 5:5. There are times when everything looks very dark to me—so dark that I have to wait before I have hope. Waiting with hope is very difficult, but true patience is expressed...