Music Musings – Vol. 62, No. 18

Christmas Choir Christmas Choir rehearsals begin on Sunday, September 18 from 1:15-2:45 p.m. in the Choir Room. Our Christmas musical is called Hope is Born – Emmanuel. This musical celebrates His coming and gives voice to our yearning for His promised return. Hebrews...

Devotional Corner – Vol. 62, No. 18

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father,” (John 14:12). All the great heroes I know have been ordinary people. They didn’t run countries, and...

Announcements – Vol. 62, No. 18

Sympathy Our love through Christian sympathy is extended to …Bernice Moore on the passing of her husband, Ron Moore, on September 7. … Roberta Taulbee on the passing of her daughter, Mollie Gershon, on September 11. … Diane Wright on the passing of her sister-in-law,...

Announcements – Vol. 62, No. 17

Media Center Come visit our newly remodeled Media Center! We are open—come in anytime to look around—choose from a variety of media options! Books (simply read and return—no check-out required!), DVDs, and puzzles! We also have some used Bibles for anyone needing one....

Devotional Corner – Vol. 62, No. 17

From Bob Goff’s “Live In Grace, Walk In Love: A 365-Day Journey”  “What do you think?” (Matthew 21:28). There are plenty of voices in the world who present their opinions like they’re solid fact. People tell us which food are healthiest, which companies are ethical,...

A Word From Pastor Zach – Vol. 62, No. 17

Church Family, The day that this article is getting We are now one week away from our fourth annual Impact Week! When we launched this local missions-oriented week of service back in 2019, I don’t think any of us could have anticipated how God has worked in and...