Music Musings – Vol. 60, No. 08

Easter Reflections Easter this year was unique to say the least. We gathered online to celebrate Christ’s victory over the grave. While it may have been different let us remember: Some Easter celebrations may be rescheduled… But we still worship our Risen...

Community Connection – Vol. 60, No. 08

A Missionary Story As I was trying to think of creative ways to show the love of God during this quarantine, I came across this story from the International Mission Board about a missionary family in Colombia. I hope it’s encouraging to you and challenges you to think...

Family Front – Vol. 60, No. 08

KidsZone I miss you in KidsZone and AWANA, kids and parents! If you need anything, (and that includes prayer), don’t hesitate to let us know. Parents, you have a lot on your plate: homeschooling, your own work at home, keeping family happy and healthy. Know that I am...

A Word From Pastor Zach – Vol. 60, No. 08

How did you celebrate Easter this year? For me, it was honestly the strangest Resurrection Sunday that I can remember. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the common grace of modern technology. As of April 13, we have had nearly 2,000 views on our Easter service...

Chi Alpha News – Vol. 60, No. 08

Youth Online Bible Study During this time that we are apart from each other, let’s be sure to be diligent to connect the best that we can. Each Sunday and Wednesday, we will still be having Bible Study together. I will be recording a lesson from a RightNow Media...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 60, No. 08

Many in the church are finding creative ways to stay connected and still have Bible study. Whether you are using Zoom meetings, the Marco Polo app, email, or any other method, we are still studying the Word together. If you are not connected to a Bible Study, all you...