Bible Study Corner – Vol. 60, No. 24

Are you ready to go on an adventure together? Starting January 4, the entire church will be reading all of the New Testament together using a reading plan entitled Grounded. I hope you will join us. You can either read along on your own or you can join a virtual...

Featured Article – Vol. 60, No. 24

by Larry Condra, Prayer Warrior A Prayer for this Christmas Season People have problems and the problems they have may cloud their judgement.  They may question God or seek solutions in the wrong places. Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the...

A Word From Pastor Zach – Vol. 60, No. 23

Well, by the time you are getting this edition of the Forerunner, Thanksgiving has passed. With that being said, it is now officially appropriate to start listening to Christmas music! While you know that I am advocate for not listening to Christmas music too early,...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 60, No. 23

Adult Bible study will continue online during the month of December. However, there will also be three in person classes meeting on the church campus on Sundays at 9:45 a.m.  Each participant should wear a mask and socially distance. You can join the Potts in the...

Music Musings – Vol. 60, No. 23

Christmas Program 2020! Yes, it’s happening! This year will look a little different as I’m sure you have guessed by now. The theme for this year is “Christmas, Night of Angels.” This piece is narrated by Joseph and Mary and tells the Christmas story...

Announcements – Vol. 60, No. 23

Christmas Meals Again this year we want to provide groceries for Christmas meals for families that may be struggling a bit.  We need your help in recommending potential families.  If you know of a family that may need a Christmas meal this year please submit those...