New Year’s Resolutions

I love getting to set New Year’s Resolutions. They give me some joy in the possibilities of good things to come in the next year. Will I achieve all of my resolutions? No. But will some good things happen because of my attempts towards these resolutions? Absolutely! For example, this past year I set a goal to read two books a month. As of writing this I’m only at 22 books. Just because I didn’t reach my goal of 24 doesn’t mean those 22 books were a waste. I count that as a win!

So what resolutions are you setting for yourself this year? I have a suggestion: set a resolution that helps you “seek the good of our community for the glory of God.” That’s the last half of our mission statement. What is a resolution you could set for 2021 that involves you doing good for your community that brings glory to God? We have a lot of opportunities that you could volunteer here at church: providing food for Loaves and Fishes once a month, serving as a part of our Mobile Market team, giving more financially towards benevolence, or serving at our International Community Food Pantry. And it doesn’t have to be something organized through the church. Find a ministry or organization that you are passionate about and volunteer for them. We want Fee Fee to be known as a place that cares about our community and that happens when we will get out in our community and love people for God’s glory. So, what is a resolution you can set for 2021 that will “seek the good of our community for the glory of God?”