Blood Drive

You know what is a great gift to give for Christmas? A blood donation! On Monday, December 14 from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. we are hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross. It’s recommended that all donations be scheduled ahead of time. You can go to the Red Cross website ( and use the Sponsor Code “FeeFeeBaptistBridgeton” to find our drive and schedule your donation. You can also call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767). The drive will be held in the Family Life Center. Everyone donating can drive around to the back of the church and park in the lot by the gym and enter through the gym doors. On the blood drive page on the church website you can find some helpful info about donating including who can donate and how to donate. If you have any questions about any of this, please contact Andrew (

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Have you prayed today for our missionaries serving all over the world right now to declare the Gospel? If not, take a moment right now as you are reading this to pause and pray. Now that you’ve done that, let me ask the next question: have you given financially to support them? Our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal is $25,000. All the money goes to support these missionaries and their work. You can give in person on Sunday morning, online through the church website, or mail in your check.

Upcoming Mobile Market Dates

Everyone – you, your friends, your neighbors – are welcome to come to the church on Monday, December 14 from 10:00 a.m. until noon (or whenever we run out of food) for our Mobile Market. Simply drive up, pop your trunk, and have groceries put in your car. St. Louis Area Foodbank is closed on Monday, December 28 so there will be no Mobile Market on that day.