New Ministry: Room at the Inn

Fee Fee has a new partnership in 2020 with Room at the Inn Homeless Shelter! This is an incredible organization that has been serving women and families in need in St. Louis County since 1988. You can read more about them on their website: Our partnership with Room at the Inn will include housing some of their guests for a night, every other month, starting in February. We will pick them up on that Friday night, bring them to our church, give them dinner, host some fun games and entertainment, and provide them a warm, clean bed to sleep in for the night. In the morning we will bless them with breakfast and take them back to the Room at the Inn facility. This is going to be an incredible chance for us to “pursue the good of our community,” (our new mission statement). Please be praying for Room at the Inn Shelter, this new ministry partnership, and that the Gospel would be seen through our loving interaction with our guests!

Tom and Lela Warner Short Term Missions Offering

On Sunday, February 23, we will have a special offering for our Tom and Lela Warner Short Term Missions Fund. In both worship services that morning we will take a special collection for this fund which supports our members going on mission trips each year. Over the years these funds have been used to send our people all over the country and world to share the Gospel message. This year the fund will be helping our members share God’s love in North Carolina, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Missouri.  If you feel led to give towards this fund, simply write on your offering envelope or on the memo line of your check, “Short Term Missions.” Thank you for your continued support of missions both locally and internationally!