Kathy Scott, Director of Children & Family Ministries

I’m so glad God offers complete forgiveness, aren’t you? It is so precious to receive forgiveness. Have you experienced that? Have you ever asked for forgiveness and felt complete release?

Recently, I made a comment to my husband that was unkind. I walked around the house loudly for a while before I made the comment but didn’t feel any better after I said it. The day went on and I tried to convince myself I was justified for what I said but still had that nagging feeling that it wasn’t right nor was it true. Once I apologized, what a relief I felt. My soul felt light. I knew Joe would forgive me, and of course, he did. We both felt a new closeness for being obedient to the Father. There have also been times I have had to apologize to my children because my anger got the best of me. That is really humbling to ask your children for forgiveness! But our God commands us to seek forgiveness (Matthew 6:12).

Is there someone you need to forgive for something they said or did? Or is there forgiveness you need to ask from someone? God is ready to hear you ask forgiveness. What a relief it will be for you. It will repair a relationship and get rid of that barrier between the person or between you and the Father. Psalm 32:1 says, “Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.” Another favorite quote by Blackaby says, “Few things are more precious to receive than forgiveness.”