“And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place,” (Hebrews 10: 19-20 NLT).

Our generation lacks a sense of wonder and reverence toward God.  We want to bring God down to our level. He is God! As His children, we have direct access to Him. We ought never to forget that this access was purchased with the precious blood of His only Son. No one who truly understands this ever enters God’s presence without a sense of holy awe. No one who comprehends the incredible price paid at Calvary ever takes his relationship with God for granted.

We will never truly understand God. To begin to understand the way He relates to us, we first comprehend a true sense of His holiness and His demand for holiness among His people. If we are in God’s presence, we are on holy ground! We must never act as if it were God’s purpose to make us successful. It would be preposterous for us to become impatient when God does not answer our prayers when and how we think He should! He is God, we are not!1

Soon we will celebrate Easter and the resurrection of our Lord. As this day approaches, meditate on the price Jesus paid to give you access to the Father. As you prepare to celebrate “He is Risen!”, revisit the cross and witness your Savior suffering for you. How priceless God’s gift of salvation is!

If you are interested in joining the Prayer Warriors ministry, contact Larry Condra for details: (314) 604-5221.


1Adapted from Experiencing God Day-By-Day by Henry Blackaby