Prime Time – Vol. 60, No. 21

Let’s celebrate Veteran’s Day with a movie about a veteran! On Wednesday, November 11, at 11:30 a.m. we will have a chili lunch followed by the movie Harriet in the Dining Room. The cost is $5.00 for lunch. Did you know that Harriet was a scout and spy for the Union...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 60, No. 21

All Bible Study classes have the opportunity to resume on Sunday, November 1 at 9:45 a.m. I know that some classes will continue to meet on Zoom while others will choose to have in-person Bible Study. If your class is continuing on Zoom, please feel free to ask me...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 60, No. 20

We currently have three groups meeting for Bible Study on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m., in compliance with the St. Louis county mandate for gathering size. We hope you are involved in either an in-person or virtual Bible study each week. We also have groups meeting on...

Prime Time – Vol. 60, No. 20

Seasons Today is another beautiful fall day. Fall truly is my favorite season. The cool breezes, the rustle of leaves as they fall from trees, the beautiful bright fall colors. God is making all this beauty for us to enjoy. Did you wake up this morning thanking Him...

Prime Time – Vol. 60, No. 19

Pack a lunch and join us at Hellebusch Park on Thursday, October 1, for lunch and games. Bring your favorite game. I promise a beautiful day, in a beautiful setting with good friends and good times. We will gather at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. Bring a friend or two that...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 60, No. 19

If you are comfortable, please join a men’s or women’s, youth or children’s Bible Study on Wednesday night from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There is something for everyone. The men’s fraternity is meeting in B4. The women are studying the Patriarchs by Beth Moore in C112....