Bible Study Corner – Vol. 61, No. 17

All activities will resume on Wednesday, September 8 at 6:00 p.m. There will be AWANA for the children, Bible Study for the youth, and both men’s and women’s Bible studies. The women will be doing a study entitled Anxious. The men will resume Men’s Fraternity. Bible...

Prime Time – Vol. 61, No. 17

Summer is speeding by. Soon our days will be filled with school schedules, football, and the Cardinals in the World Series. Hope you have enjoyed summer as much as I have! In the meantime, I’ve been working on our fall activities. We have had to change our date for...

Prime Time – Vol. 61, No. 16

Summer is quickly passing us by. I’m so thankful for the cooler weather this week and I’m sure you are too. Our summer schedule of activities is winding down, so if you have suggestions for what to do this fall, please let me know. Our next activity is Adult VBS and I...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 61, No. 16

It is so good to see our Sunday morning Bible Study numbers climbing. We had 166 involved in Bible Study last week. I hope you are a part of it. We are currently looking at Bible study in conjunction with our mission statement of BUILDING and PURSUING. Bible Study...

Prime Time – Vol. 61, No. 15

Don’t forget to sign up for our trip the Churchill Museum in Fulton, scheduled for Monday, August 9.  I have arranged a tour for us at 12:30 p.m. We will eat lunch when we get there at Beks, which is supposed to be one of the best restaurants...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 61, No. 15

Ready for another challenge? I know many of you have been faithful in reading the entire New Testament and Isaiah this year.  We have decided to continue with our churchwide reading plan. We will finish Isaiah on August 6 and will begin the Pentateuch (Genesis –...