Attention Veterans

If you are a veteran of the U.S. armed forces, please contact the church office with your name and the branch in which you served. Thank you for your service.

Red Cross Blood Drive

The next Red Cross Blood drive is Thursday May 23. Please sign up through our website. It’s such an easy way to save a life!

Help Needed for Our Ministry with “Loaves and Fishes”

For several years, Fee Fee Baptist Church has provided a meal for the residents of the Loaves and Fishes emergency shelter on the third Tuesday of the month. We need Bible Study classes, T-groups, families or others to volunteer to provide and deliver those meals. Loaves and Fishes is a wonderful ministry that provides emergency shelter for homeless individuals and families (in addition to a food pantry, utility services and street outreach programs).

There are sign-up sheets in the Connection Center where you can specify which month you (or your group) will provide the meal (for about 30 people). Please contact Gloria Fox for more information.

RightNow Media

 Now, every person in our church can access over 25,000 Biblically-based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and much more.  For access to RightNow Media please email

Bus Drivers Needed

 If you would be interested in driving a church bus for Sunday morning worship or Prime Time events, please contact Vance in the church office.

 Alaska Mission Trip Fundraiser

The Alaska mission team would like to invite you to a car wash on Saturday, June 1 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  The cost is your donation.  The team is still working to raise funds for the mission trip this June. We thank you for all your support at the Bandana’s fund raisers in February and April.

Legacy Banquet

While the banquet has traditionally been for the Prime Timers, every adult is welcome. Join us for some fun and great music on Saturday night, May 11 at 6 pm. Sign up in the connection center so we can plan for the right amount of food. You will be glad you did.


 To the family of Dottie Wheeler at her passing on 4/14/24

 Thank You

 From the family of Art Bramstedt

Your kind and thoughtful

expression of sympathy

is deeply appreciated

and gratefully acknowledged.

  From the family of  Mayor Terry Briggs

We acknowledge with grateful

appreciation your kind expression

of sympathy.

From Loaves & Fishes

Our Easter distribution went as smooth as possible. Thanks to  everyone who stepped up and donated items we had enough for every family in our program.

 International Food Pantry

Food items needed for May include:

Cake Mix

Canned Frosting

Donations are due by May 26.

Coffee With a Cause              Our Coffee With a Cause this month will go to support our Alaska Mission Trip.


There will be no Wednesday night activities this summer. We will return to our regular Wednesday night schedule on September 11th.