Sunday Night Connection

The Connection scheduled for January 14 will be rescheduled for March. Keep your games out!

Sunday Morning Door Access Policy

With the change in our Sunday morning schedule, we will not have members of the First Impressions Team at the doors to the Sanctuary off the main parking lot until 10:00 a.m. Those doors will remain locked until that time. We are encouraging people to enter through the Welcome Center doors or the Handicapped door off the East Parking area (by MBCH). This will enable us to maintain the security of our Sanctuary entrance and direct guests through the Welcome Center where they can be greeted and directed to Sunday School classes.

Alaska Mission Trip Fundraiser

Join us on Tuesday, February 6 and have some lunch or dinner at the Bandana’s on Dorsett. Bring your Fee Fee flyer from the Connection Center and 15% of the day’s proceeds will go to the Alaska Mission trip in June. See you there!

Inclement Weather Cancellation Policy

Fee Fee Baptist Church will cancel services, Bible studies and activities when it is deemed necessary for the safety of church members driving to and from church as well as walking and moving around the church properties itself. The church no longer mirrors Pattonville School District’s cancellation policy as they have changed their procedures in calling for cancellations and Virtual Learning Days.

We will take many criteria into formulating a decision on cancellations.

On days Fee Fee is not cancelled, but inclement weather is happening, it is the sole discretion of the bus drivers if they feel comfortable picking up church goers. All cancellations will be conveyed through TV stations Channels 2, 4, and 5. It will be posted on our website, social media and notifications will be sent out through our church app.

Help Needed for Our Ministry with “Loaves and Fishes”

For several years, Fee Fee Baptist Church has provided a meal for the residents of the Loaves and Fishes emergency shelter on the third Tuesday of the month. We need Bible Study classes, T-groups, families or others to volunteer to provide and deliver those meals. Loaves and Fishes is a wonderful ministry that provides emergency shelter for homeless individuals and families (in addition to a food pantry, utility services and street outreach programs).

There are sign-up sheets in the Connection Center where you can specify which month you (or your group) will provide the meal (for about 30 people). Please contact Gloria Fox for more information.

“Thank You”

The Church has received a thank you card from the Pattonville Early Childhood Program

“Thank you so much for continuing to provide food for our Weekend Food Backpack Program and also for adopting families for the Angel Tree Program for Christmas! We truly appreciate you all!”

Pattonville Early Childhood

International Food Pantry

Food items needed for February include:

Peanut Butter

Canned Fruit

Items are due by February 28.