Once again, we have a change of plans for our activities. Instead of going to Warm Springs Ranch on March 11, (since it isn’t open until April), we will go to the Science Center to watch Wings over Water on the Omnimax. The bus will leave at 10:00 a.m. Lunch TBA. I am open to suggestions! The cost will be $11.00 plus lunch.

I hope you have the Scott Joplin House and lunch on your calendar for March 28! This is a state historic site and features an authentic player piano that fills the house with his melodies as you walk through the flat on Delmar.  There is also a museum which celebrates Joplin’s life. The cost is $6.00, plus lunch.

Speaking of calendars, here are the tentative plans for the next quarter. Thank you for your patience as we navigate the waters of closed restaurants, staff shortages, and the supply chain. Flexibility is a wonderful quality.

Pencil in these activities for the upcoming quarter:

Tuesday, April 12 Lunch then dying Easter eggs and building Easter baskets for the children at Loaves and Fishes.
Tuesday, April 26 Luncheon and tour of Oakland House – $22.00.
Monday, May 9 Warm Springs Ranch – $16.00 plus lunch.
Saturday, May 14 Prime Time Banquet.
Thursday, June 9 Heritage Museum and Lunch at Lewis and Clark.
Friday, June 24 Josephine’s in Godfrey, Illinois – Lunch and shopping.

I am looking forward to many of you joining us on these fun excursions. Invite some friends to join us. Remember we were made for connection with God and with others.