Aren’t you thankful for a nice warm house and a schedule that allows you to stay home, drink hot chocolate, and read books when we have a snow day? I know I am.

I’m also thankful that spring is on its way and with the prospect of many of us having had our vaccine shots soon, I feel like we can start planning some adventures. I will be meeting with the senior council in the next few weeks to plan some outings. We will wear our masks, social distance, and enjoy some fellowship.

If you have a suggestion for an outing, please feel free to email, text, or call with your idea.

Are you keeping up with your Grounded reading plan? It’s challenging, isn’t it? I find myself digging in a little deeper than I have time for and getting behind. I am thankful for the time to catch up on the weekends.

Hang in there, hope is on the horizon!