We are praying each of you are well and experiencing the goodness of God even during this pandemic. Many of us are finding ourselves with more time on our hands. How are you using that time? Are you spending more time in prayer, reading God’s Word, connecting to others through social media or a good, old-fashioned phone call? I encourage you to let the Holy Spirit guide you by listening to that still small voice as He suggests how you might minister to others during these uncertain times.

I hope you are following along in our reading plan through the book of Acts. As I was writing this it was the second day of the plan, and therefore Chapter 2. Jesus has ascended into heaven in Chapter 1 and in Chapter 2, the Holy Spirit was sent. On that day alone, 3,000 repented and believed and were added to the church. And so, the church began, and the last verses of the chapter give a small glimpse into the early church in action. They practiced unity and generous giving, sharing with those who were in need. They shared the gospel, met together to worship, to partake of the Lord’s Supper, and served the Lord with gladness.

Nothing has changed. We can still do these very same things even though we must do some of them virtually.  We are still the church. Ask God to show you ways to be His hands and feet during this pandemic. This just might be the revival we have been praying for – both in our own hearts as we spend more time with Him and learn to trust Him more – and in the hearts of those who will come to Him through our sharing of the Gospel and showing them His love.

Finally, if you have a need or know of someone who has a need, please notify me at gloria@feefeebc.org or contact the church office and we will help however we can.