Another year is about to come to an end. It went by fast, didn’t it? It has been a very good year for the seniors at Fee Fee. God gave us a new pastor, whom we all love, and he brought with him a precious wife and three adorable children for us all to love and grandparent.

We have been on many memorable outings and eaten some fantastic food. We have seen some great movies, learned a lot of history, seen some great plays, had our eyes opened to the horrors of the holocaust, toured Busch Stadium, took a day trip to Hermann, seen our cities new fountains, and had a lot of laughs and great fellowship.

In May, we celebrated the seniors at our annual banquet and were entertained by the Queens of Swing. At the end of September, we saw that the seniors were still doing a great deal of ministry as we gave of ourselves during Impact Week. I’m pretty sure that the seniors contributed at least half of those many hours given to our community.

I know you will continue to be a vital part of the ongoing ministry of this church and I thank God for each and every one of you willing to serve both your church and community.

Have a great New Year!

Upcoming – One final thought, on Thursday, January 9, we will watch the movie Overcomer, which has finally been released, and have sandwiches and dessert in the Rafters at 11:30 a.m.  Sign up so we will know how many plan to attend. The cost will be $6.00 for lunch.