Come Join Our Choir

There is nothing like a volunteer choir.  Here are some top reasons.

MOTIVATION – A rare and special dynamic is created among people who don’t have to be there.  Church members show up, week in and week out, out of love.  The only compensation they receive is the joy of being a part of this unique ministry and the joy of making music together.  That is enough to keep them coming back.

INSPIRATION – The members of a volunteer choir seek opportunity they have to be part of something far greater than the sum of its parts.  You can’t experience the thrill of an ensemble by singing by yourself.  In a church choir, ordinary people can experience the thrill of a text coming to life as they sing an anthem, hymn or psalm.

FELLOWSHIP – A volunteer choir creates a community unlike any other.  As a choir meets together week in and week out, they “do life” together.  They pray for one another – celebrating births, mourning deaths, welcoming new members, and grieving the departure of good friends.  A healthy choir can be one of the strongest small groups in a congregation.

LOVE – Love is what makes a volunteer church choir:  love of music, love for each other and especially LOVE OF THE SAVIOR.

Nothing wil ever replace the volunteer church choir.  Choral music itself will never be a thing of the past.  Why don’t you give our choir a try.  Anyone can be involved multigenerational participation is encouraged as well as varied musical abilities.  Our main purpose is to glorify God with our singing.

We meet on Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the choir room.