From Bob Goff’s “Live In Grace, Walk In Love: A 365-Day Journey”

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,” (John 14:27).

When I was a boy, comic books came onto the scene and started to get big. Characters like Spiderman, Batman, and Wonder Woman lived in a world where evil popped up just in time for another episode. No matter which sinister villain seemed to be giving evil an edge, the hero was always more powerful than the obstacles in front of them. Evil has a way of looking like it’s going to win—right up until it doesn’t.

While these comics were fantastical, every enduring story reminds us of a truth: even when it seems like hope has lost the lead, redemption is where the story is headed. Just before Jesus went away for a while, He told us we would face trouble in this world. He said there would be times we’d want to give up and seek comfort somewhere else.

But Jesus also told us He would be with us and not even death could separate us from Him. He’s living proof that the God of the universe is more powerful than any of the obstacles we face. The obstacles look different for each of us, but we live in a world where fear shows up unannounced and tries to steal our hope. Those are the times we have to remember the power accessible to us.

Are you in a difficult time? Love will show you the way through it. Do you feel like you’re up against seemingly unbeatable forces? Remember love will win in the end. Our hope isn’t in our ability to overcome but in God’s ability to redeem it.

Don’t’ let the circumstances you’re facing do all the talking. Listen to the God who already won it all with His love. As you listen to God speak into your difficult time, what do you hear Him saying?