It has been an immense blessing to finish the year with Chi Alpha! We are looking forward to the new year and all the events that are coming with it. At the start of the new year, we are going to go through the ten commandments on Wednesday’s nights. Seeing that God gave these to us because He loves us and how to apply them to our lives to glorify Him. On Sunday mornings, we will continue our study, “A Name Like No Other,” in which we explore the importance of God’s name and His attributes.

Be sure to mark your calendars for February 16-18 because we are going to DNOW. It is going to be an amazing weekend where we are going to explore what it looks like to follow Jesus. We will join several area churches for this event at First Baptist, O’Fallon. There will be hundreds of students there all fellowshipping and worshiping together. This is an amazing opportunity for our students to meet other believers their age, that they go to school with, and live around. More information will be coming soon! I ask that you pray for this event, that hearts will be softened and that lives will be changed as we wrestle with the gospel.

We are still looking for more leaders to help disciple our youth. I ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this ministry. Serving can seem intimidating, but we are not looking for perfect teachers. Rather, disciples who love the Lord and what to invest in his children. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” You will not be without proper tools, prayer, and equipping. I want to pour into leaders as they are pouring into the youth. If you are interested or have any questions, please email me at