The Levitical Musicians

If you have ever been curious about Biblical musicians you may find the following information interesting as I did.

Some fascinating facts surrounding the Levitical Musicians and music of the Temple:

  • There would never be fewer than 12 Levites standing on the Platform to intone songs over an offering. More could be added without limit. The song or chant would be uttered vocally and there would be musicians alongside playing instruments. Some of the instruments used were: 2-6 lyres, 2-12 flutes, 9+ harps, and up to 120 trumpets (WHOA!), and only 1 set of cymbals to keep balance in check – a request from the sound guy!
  • On all festival and New Moon days priests would blow trumpets made of silver as other metals were unfit. Flute pipes were made of a reed because of its sweet sound. A song would always end with the pleasant sound of a lone flute.
  • A Levite did not enter the court to minister until he had been trained for five years.  The entry age would be 25-30.
  • A Levite could be removed from chanting or singing if his voice was impaired due to old age.
  • The Levites were forbidden to perform the service assigned to another Levite with a different assignment.  For instance, a singer must not assist a gate keeper and vice versa. In fact if a Levite assisted in a duty not assigned to him, he incurred the death penalty by Divine judgement. Sounds a little HARSH to me!
Share the blessing of your musical gift

It has been such a joy in recent Sundays to have some of our young people bringing musical offerings to our worship. Joey Stuart, J.J. Fisher, Ted Rosen, Christian Baugher, and Natalie Baugher have all come forward to play instruments.

Please let Ronna or Tara know if you would be willing to use your musical abilities in our worship. I’m sure we have many folks of all ages that could serve in this way; you just need to be identified.

We could also use more singers in our 8:30 a.m. choir. It is a wonderful group of singers and we would gladly accept others to serve in this capacity. It is a multi-generational choir, so we are not limited by age. Rehearsal is on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Come sit in with us. We would be delighted to welcome you.