Exciting News! Please join me in welcoming Tyler Kiefer as our Interim Youth Director. God’s timing is always perfect and this is a great example of His wisdom. Tyler is a student at Missouri Baptist University and comes with high praises from Matt Easter who has had Tyler in some of his classes. Tyler has served as a Youth Ministry Intern and is currently an RA at Missouri Baptist University. Paul Baugher and I along with the staff are looking forward to making this a smooth onboarding for Tyler.

Do not forget the youth are hosting a Trivia Night on November 4th at 6pm. Doors open at 5:30. We are still looking for you to provide some tasty deserts for auction. The proceeds from this event will help with the cost of summer camp for 2024.

In our Sunday morning Bible study, we have been covering 1st and 2nd Peter and will wrap up that study in early November, just in time for Tyler to lead our youth into the next study. God is good all the time and so is His timing.