Big Chill 2023

Woah…. how in the world did we end up here already? It feels like we just wrapped up DNOW. So now you’re trying to convince me that Big Chill 2023 is only days away— January 13 & 14 (you should sign you and your friends up btw)?! This has definitely been a whirlwind of a year! But who’s ready for some fun?!

2022 Reflections & New Year

Every year I’m reminded how great the God we serve is, and I see it daily in the lives of our students. This year has been filled with a lot of question marks – personally, for our youth group, and for the church as a whole. Each time I feel like we’re stuck, the life that radiates from our students reminds me we can, and will, move forward. For me, this has been a tough year navigating a lot of challenges, both personally, and with my wife Alaina, as we figure out what our future looks like as a young married couple. But when I feel down, the smiles and high fives from the kids help me realize everything is good. I always want the best for our youth, but this year, they taught me something: the value of quality time. We’ve taken the time to have more meaningful moments together, and we have seen growth not just in relationships, but in numbers too! We sit in the beginning phases of an interim period, and I’ve been worried about what the future of our church looks like. But when I show up on a Wednesday nights, I’m reminded the future of our church in the hearts of these students, and if I can pour everything God has given me into them, then our church will flourish, and our best days truly are ahead of us.

This has been a weird year, and while I’m thankful for the challenges, lessons, and reminders it gave me, I’m also ready to move on to a better 2023. We’re ready for the challenges that lie ahead, and I know God will be there with us. I’m excited to see where Fee Fee goes this year! Happy New Year Fee Fee Family!