AWANA for our kids is off to a great start. Families were able to help with THRIVE projects during Impact Week. “THRIVE cares about women in our community. Their goal is to have women walking out of the clinic feeling more encouraged and empowered than they did coming in.” If you would like to be part of this group of great AWANA teachers and helpers, talk to Kathy! We need every parent to help us this year by staying the first 10 minutes to work with one child on their memory verses, just listening to them say the verses they are learning each week.  This will help us tremendously in guiding children in learning God’s Word.

Feed My Starving Children Event

We have another opportunity to serve as a church at Feed My Starving Children, September 24 at Gateway Christian Church, 9:30-11:45 a.m. (meet there at 9:00 a.m.). Reservations are required. . If you cannot come that day, there are many other 2-hour spots throughout that week. This is a great organization that packs mobile food to send to starving nations. Your efforts in that 2-hour time frame will make a big difference in children’s lives. You can turn hunger into hope with your own hands by packing nutritious meals for hungry children and families around the world. Here is link to help if you are still interested:

Trunk or Treat

Put Sunday, October 30 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. on your calendar for our annual Trunk or Treat event right here in the church parking lot. Be thinking how you want to decorate your trunk. I’d like everyone to depict a Bible story account with their trunk. We will be collecting candy starting October 1.

Drama Opportunity for Kids

This fall we will be producing another kid’s Christmas story video to use in the Christmas production in December. If your child would like to be part of the that, email Kathy:

Thank you, Church, for your giving and responding to needs! It is a joy to serve with you!