Promotion Sunday

August 21 is Promotion Sunday for the new church year for preschoolers, children, and youth. That morning parents of preschoolers and K-5 children are invited to their classroom for donuts and to meet teachers. These servants love your children and help them learn more about scripture and God’s plan for their lives! You can be a part of this, too! Talk to Kathy if you are looking for a place to serve and we will get you connected.

Midweek Activities

September 14 AWANA starts back up for our kids ages 3 years through 5th grade. Awana is another way for kids to learn scripture and have fun with friends. If you would like to be part of this team of great teachers and helpers, talk to Kathy! Our first night of AWANA will be during Impact Week so the AWANA families will be involved in a missions project. That will also be church dinner night, so sign up in the Connection Center.

Thank you, Church, for your giving and responding to needs through the summer! It is a joy to serve with you!