A Word From Pastor Zach – Vol. 62, No. 10

Church Family, As I am writing this, it is the first day of summer for my three kids. I can’t believe the school year is already over…time has flown by! With summer now here, I wanted to share with you some exciting things happening in the life of our church. First,...

Prime Time – Vol. 62, No. 10

I hope you can join us on Thursday, June 9, at 10:00 a.m. to go to the Heritage Museum in St. Charles. They are featuring a brand new exhibit called, “The American Revolutionary War in the West.” The exhibit focuses on the war in the west which is almost always...

College & Outreach – Vol. 62, No. 10

“Now he told them a parable on the need for them to pray always and not give up,” (Luke 18:1). I pray that our study of the parable of the persistent widow encouraged you to pray always and not give up. We serve a loving God who desires to hear our prayers, “because...

Family Front – Vol. 62, No. 10

Movie Night Recap Movie night was great!  Thank you, Vance Stewart and Keith Jenkins, for set-up and for those who stayed after the movie, Eric Bowman, Jacob Hopson, Maddie Hopson, Keith Jenkins and Kevin Knepper for helping to take down and clean up!  Ashley Bowman...

Announcements – Vol. 62, No. 10

Sympathy Our love through Christian sympathy is extended to … Carol Gollaher and family on the passing of her mother, Bernice Stewart, on May 15. Mobile Market We love partnering with the St. Louis Area Food Bank to get free groceries into the hands of families in...

Chi Alpha News – Vol. 62, No. 10

Pray for our Washington, D.C. Team! We will be sending a team of 30 students and adult leaders to Washington, D.C. in just a few short days, and we are so excited! While we are there, we will be serving with a local church doing ministry together and supporting them...