Church Family,

There are three big things that I want to bring to your attention in this edition of the Forerunner: Easter, Prayer, and our Associate Pastor, Andrew Yakel.

First, did you know that the APM research lab found that in 2022, 84% of Americans said they are either extremely (55%) or very worried (29%)? Additionally, 26% of all Americans report that absolutely nothing makes them hopeful.

Those statistics are alarming! That is why the theme of our Easter services this year is simply “Hope.” I want to encourage you to invite your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and relatives to celebrate Resurrection Sunday with us here at Fee Fee on April 17. We are going to focus on the hope that is found in Jesus. I promise you that I will clearly present the Gospel and share about the hope that we have because of the resurrection.

Additionally, we will be bringing back our Easter breakfast! In lieu of our normal Sunday morning Bible Study, we will be having a hot breakfast in our gym. Please join us for a fellowship meal together as we celebrate our risen Savior!

Second, we want to refocus on our Prayer Warriors Ministry. We know that prayer moves the heart of God. If we want to see God move in our church and in our city, we need to get on our knees! If you are interested at all in being a part of this ministry, I want to invite you to an informational meeting Sunday, April 3, at 4:00 p.m. in the Dining Room. We are challenging people to agree to pray for our services during a particular month. In addition, we will be having a united prayer time of that month’s volunteers on the first Sunday of the month at 8:00 a.m. in the Media Center. Come join us as we discuss this vitally important ministry and talk about ways to seek God’s face together as a congregation.

Finally, I want to take a moment to recognize our departing Associate Pastor, Andrew Yakel. The Bible says that we are to give honor where honor is due. Andrew has faithfully served Fee Fee for over a decade! He has poured his life into this church, and I am so thankful for the way he has served God so well here at FFBC. Further, I know that God is going to use him in a big way in his new role at the St. Louis Area Food Bank. We are going to miss him, but we know that God’s Kingdom is bigger than just our church.

We want to make sure that we honor and encourage Andrew, Teresa, and the girls as they step into this new venture. Please bring cards and show your support to the Yakels on their last Sunday with us, March 27. Also, we will be having a special time to fellowship with them between our two services that Sunday. So, before you go to Bible Study, or after Bible Study and before the 11:00 a.m. service, make sure you stop by the café for some refreshments and let Andrew and the Yakels know how much they mean to us.

Please join me in praying for Easter, our Prayer Warriors Ministry, and the Yakel family.

In Him,

Pastor Zach Crook