Church Family,

When I first heard about Fee Fee Baptist, I spent some time researching the church before I came out here. One thing that struck me as interesting is how the church is located right in between both the St. Louis Metro Baptist Association and the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home. I remember jokingly referring to our area as the “Baptist row of St. Louis.” What I found intriguing being so close to both the associational office and the Children’s Home was that it could make partnering with these organizations that much easier.

I know that I have been blessed by the leadership of Darren Casper at the associational office. He has provided great insight and helped facilitate ministry partnerships for our church. In addition, it has been a blessing to have Rev. George Fulgham from the MBCH come and provide training for our youth and children’s volunteers. This is a training that we will be holding again in the spring.

As we continue to examine ways to work together with these neighbors for the sake of the Gospel, I am excited to share that Derald Harris, the Vice President of Public Relations at the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home, will be preaching for our annual Mid-Winter Bible Study on Sunday, February 13.

In keeping with the tradition of this special Sunday, Derald Harris will be preaching a unique message in both services. We want to invite you to be a part of both of them as we get to hear God speak through him.

A key component of the MBCH is that it is a place of “Restoration and Healing.” In the first service, Derald Harris will be preaching on God’s Restoring Grace, and how God restores believers to fellowship with himself and the family of God when we fall away. The second service will be focused on God’s Healing Grace, and how God heals our hurts, emotional scars, and feelings of low self-worth.

It is always a blessing to be reminded that we aren’t trying to reach Bridgeton and St. Louis on our own. We can have great Kingdom-minded partnerships with places like the MBCH and the SLMBA. I want to encourage you to join us for our Mid-Winter Bible Study and join me in praying for the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home and the St. Louis Metro Baptist Association.

In Him,

Pastor Zach Crook