Who’s your one?

It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? What are we talking about when we ask that question? The Great Commission. Evangelism. Sharing your faith. Imagine if every member of our church could answer that question, “Who’s your one?” with the name of a person—a person for whom they’re praying and with whom they’re sharing the Gospel. How would it change our church? How would it change the world?

Matthew 28:19-20 is very clear on what our responsibility is as believers. We are supposed to make disciples! Our mission is to be witnesses. To be ambassadors. To share the hope of the Gospel with a lost and dying world.

I’m convinced that God’s people don’t merely need another method for evangelism. What we need is a white-hot passion to see people who are far from God experience the new life He offers through Jesus Christ. Everything else we do pales in comparison to evangelism. If we’re not intent on doing everything so that lost men, women, and children will experience the transforming work of God, we are missing the point of the Great Commission. Without a focus on evangelism, we fail.

That’s why we’re launching this “Who’s Your One?” initiative. This effort is designed to mobilize every member of Fee Fee Baptist Church to identify one person in his or her relational network to pray for and share the Gospel with in 2020.

Sometimes, in church, we have the tendency to talk about how we need to share our faith more than we actually go and do it. That is why we are asking every person to participate in this initiative. Grab a “Who’s Your One?” bookmark and write in the name of one person for which you are going to share the Gospel. In addition, we have prayer journals available online to download or in our Welcome Center that will give you ways to pray for your “one” every day.

It’s not an elaborate or complicated idea, but this simple idea could lead to revival! What would happen if each of us had one person that we were intentional about sharing the Gospel with over the next five weeks? As we launch this “Who’s Your One?” campaign, we are praying for God to use each of us to reach those who are lost in our relational networks.

In Him,

Pastor Zach