It is official, 2020 is here! As we start a new decade, I can’t wait to see how God moves and works in the life of our church. As you know, we are currently walking through our new vision and mission for Fee Fee Baptist. Our new mission statement is:

Fee Fee Baptist Church exists to make disciples who build their lives on Jesus and pursue the good of our community for the glory of God.

When it comes to building our lives on Jesus, we see that occur through two main avenues: Biblical Worship and Biblical Community. When it comes to pursuing the good of our community, we see that occur through the avenue of Biblical Mission.

Biblical Worship is seen through connection with God, both individually and corporately. In order to ensure we are living out this idea, we have developed some markers of Biblical Worship that we believe should be on display in a growing disciple’s life. These markers include engaging in Gospel-centered preaching and teaching; growing knowledge of God and His Word; actively seeking God’s face in prayer; participating in worship through music; and giving sacrificially to the church.

Biblical Community is seen through connection with other believers here at Fee Fee. To properly live out this idea, we have developed markers of Biblical community as well. These markers include active engagement in discipleship opportunities; understanding and utilizing your spiritual gifts; and Gospel-centered fellowship and accountability.

Biblical Mission is seen through connecting to the world around us. The markers that help us live out this concept include awareness of and engaging with everyday opportunities to share the Gospel; taking part in local, national, and international missions opportunities; serving the under-resourced in our community; and aligning with God’s heart in justice issues.

During our Bible Study time on Sunday mornings for both January and February, all of our classes will be walking through some of these markers of our vision. It is going to be exciting to have our entire church have a common conversation around the vision and mission of our church. I’m praying you will be blessed by this study and we will increase in unity as a church as we live on mission for the cause of Christ.

Please join me in praying for our church – that we will make disciples who build their lives on Jesus and pursue the good of our community for the glory of God!

In Him,

Pastor Zach