You’ve probably heard by now that St. Louis County is beginning to reopen starting May 18. With that news, I’m sure you’re wondering what that means for Fee Fee.

First of all, we are tentatively looking at having worship services on our campus again starting Sunday, June 7. When we reopen, we will be offering our two services at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., but there will be no Bible Study in between and no childcare or KidsZone during this first phase. We will be sending a letter out to all of our members about some of the guidelines that we are putting in place when we reopen.

If we are allowed to gather starting May 24, why are we waiting until at least June 7? You’ve heard the phrase “out of the abundance of caution” tossed around frequently during this COVID-19 pandemic. I’ve probably used it more than a few times. However, I think that we need to change the narrative with the approach of our church. Yes, we are going to be cautious. But do you know why? It is out of an abundance of love!

The Bible commands us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. That means that we need to lovingly put others and their needs in front of our own. Out of an abundance of love, we are going to adhere to social distancing on our campus. Out of an abundance of love, we are asking that everyone who comes to worship wear a mask. Out of an abundance of love, we are asking anyone that doesn’t feel well to stay home. Out of an abundance of love, we are asking that we refrain from hugs and handshakes for the time being. It isn’t fear that is going to be what motivates us during this season, but love.

No matter how you feel personally about the pandemic, I would ask that, out of an abundance of love, we don’t let our opinions cause division in the church. When Jesus prays his High Priestly Prayer in John 17, he asks that God would unite all of his followers. Unity is what Christ prays for his church before he goes to the cross. I am praying that we will love others and be united around the saving truth of the gospel. We might disagree with other believers about how people and churches should be acting during this time. Let’s not allow those disagreements to divide us. Instead, I’m praying we unite under the gospel and make the name of Jesus famous!

In closing, we are so appreciative of your prayers and support during this season. Your staff believes that God is doing something in and through this uncertain time. Please join us in praying for revival! Also, for those of you who are high risk, don’t feel pressure to return right away. We will continue to livestream our services and will have staff members online during our services to minister to you. Finally, know that we will do our best to communicate any changes in a clear and timely way, as this reopening unfolds. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Be looking for the letter that will give more details about the different phases Fee Fee Baptist will undergo as we reopen.

Please join me in praying for our church, our city, our nation, and our world!

In Him,

Pastor Zach