DNOW 2020

Thank you, church, for all your continued support of our student ministry, especially during DNOW weekend! We had an absolute blast getting to worship and fellowship along with our friends from Hazelwood Baptist Church and Chesterfield Community Church. Over this weekend we learned about “How to Come Home,” with our theme of Prodigal. The Gospel was clearly presented by our speaker Leon Douglas and worship was a powerful, moving experience thanks to our phenomenal band! We had 12 amazing college students and leaders step up and give their weekends to love on our students and lead them in Small Groups. We had 5 different families give up their homes for the weekend, multiple volunteers donate food, workers who were here around the clock to ensure that this weekend ran smoothly, but most importantly, we had a church that was devoted in prayer for everyone involved in this weekend. Once again, church, thank you! No matter how big or small your contribution was, it was felt and appreciated by all who were involved in this weekend. Without your support, we could not put on events like Disciple Now. Continue to pray for our students, that the seeds that were planted will take root and that the Gospel will forever change their lives!