DNOW 2020 Registration is now OPEN

This year’s Disciple Now Weekend will be taking place March 6-8. In case you don’t know what DNOW is, it is our weekend long local retreat for 6th-12th graders where they will be split up into small groups for the weekend filled with intense discipleship. We will dive deep into this year’s theme called “Prodigal,” taking us into the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. We will explore the stories of the three main characters and learning how we can always come home. This weekend will be led in worship by a collection of past and present MoBap students including Guy Shaw, and our speaker Leon Douglas. We are also blessed to be joined by students from Chesterfield Community Church and Hazelwood Baptist Church this year. The total cost for the weekend is $40, which covers the housing and food for all our students, our speaker, the band, and a free T-shirt for every attendee! You won’t find a better youth conference deal anywhere! You can sign up either with a paper copy found in the Rafters, or online at dnow.feefeebc.org. The registration deadline is Sunday, February 23, along with a $10 deposit. The remaining balance is due Wednesday, March 4. We hope that you will join us this year and that you will invite your friends! Be praying for our students and leaders as we prepare for this amazing Gospel-filled weekend.

DNOW Host Homes & Meal Sponsors

We would not be able to put on this amazing DNOW weekend without your help, Church. How can you volunteer to serve our students? First off, we need Host Homes for our students to stay at over the weekend. If you are interested in housing teenagers for the weekend, please contact Kyle (kyle@feefeebc.org) or Jen Pfeiffer to volunteer. We also need groups to help sponsor meals for our students for the weekend. If you are interested in this, all you need to do is cook two meals – breakfast and dinner – and deliver it to a Host Home. You can team up with your Small Group, Transformation Group, or Bible Study to partner with us. You can either contact Kyle or Laura Paden to sign up to sponsor meals.