Devotional Corner – Vol. 62, No. 8

Taken from Corrie Ten Boom’s “Faith, Hope, and Love” YouVersion Plan “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God,”...

Announcements – Vol. 62, No. 8

Church Workday It’s that time of year again when flowers begin to peek out of the dirt after their long sleep, trees sway in the wind waking up their roots, and the grays and browns of winter turn into little green beginnings of leaves or buds of color. The amazing...

Family Front – Vol. 62, No. 8

Family Connection Sunday Dr. Richard Ross will be our guest for Family Connection Sunday on April 24. He is a teacher, author, speaker, and conference leader. His mission is: “By the Spirit—live, teach, speak, and write to see Christ’s kingdom come through teenagers...

Chi Alpha News – Vol. 62, No. 7

Thank You!!! Wow…where do I even begin…Thank you, Church, for all of your support and prayers over the last couple of months in preparation, but especially over the last week as we enjoyed our annual DNOW Weekend! This weekend was one filled with lots of laughs, fun...

Prime Time – Vol. 62, No. 7

Easter is right around the corner. When is the last time you dyed Easter eggs? Well, do I have an opportunity for you! On Tuesday, April 12, we will have lunch and then dye eggs and make 20 Easter Baskets for the children at Loaves and Fishes. We need your help to not...

Devotional Corner – Vol. 62, No. 7

Taken from Corrie Ten Boom’s “Faith, Hope, and Love” YouVersion Plan “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for… By faith Abraham, even though he was past age-and Sarah herself was...