A Month of Prayer Our Strategic Planning Committee and our staff have spent countless hours evaluating data from our community and our church, parsing simple phrases to create shared language for our congregation, and dreaming about the future God has...
Christmas! Seems Christmas is all I think about these days. We are still in need of volunteers to be greeters for our Christmas program. We also need decorators, stagehands, 1 spotlight operator and an environmental projection operator. If you can help be a greeter,...
Hey Fee Fee Family! So far the youth has been enjoying the holiday season. We had an amazing friends giving party where we gathered together, ate some good food, and were thankful for all the amazing things that God has done and is doing in our lives. On Dec. 7th we...
I love Christmas! I love the festivities, the good cheer and the lights. If you do too, please plan to join me on Wednesday night, December 18 for a trip to Three Kings Restaurant and a walk around the Garden Glow at Missouri Botanical Gardens. This trip will...
Preparing for the Holidays Holiday season is officially upon us. As I write this article, home cooks are dusting off their Thanksgiving recipes, providing those well-worn pages with their annual dose of sunlight. Christmas decorations—and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want...
Bible Study Corner There is a place for everyone on Sunday mornings for Bible Study. Please ask a First Impression’s team member to help you with options. We use a variety of scripturally sound materials (some use Right now Media, some use purchased literature, and...