Promotion Sunday August 21 is Promotion Sunday for the new church year for preschoolers, children, and youth. That morning parents of preschoolers and K-5 children are invited to their classroom for donuts and to meet teachers. These servants love your children and...
VBS/Sports Camp 2022 Recap Another year of VBS/Sports Camp has come to an end! Thank you for praying for God to speak to the children and keep our leadership energized. Thank you for people that helped decorate, take down, serve where needed, act as ‘gofer’, and many...
VBS and Soccer Camp – Please pray for our VBS during the week of July 18-22. Pray that kids will hear who God is and accept him as Savior. For all of the leadership, pray for energy and love for the kids. Thank God that we were able to find leadership for Soccer Camp....
Father/Son Fishing Day Recap Our Father/Son Fishing Day was great! We had a small crew but thanks to Joe Copeland and Dave Potts it was a success! Congrats Jeremiah and Cyrus on your trophy fish – now you have a fishing story to tell! VBS 2022 & Soccer Camp – July...
Mother/Daughter Spa Day Recap Thank you Children’s Committee and other volunteers that helped with the Mother/Daughter Spa Day on June 4. Moms and daughters had a great time with various crafts, hair chalk and nail polish, and just spending some time together. It made...
Movie Night Recap Movie night was great! Thank you, Vance Stewart and Keith Jenkins, for set-up and for those who stayed after the movie, Eric Bowman, Jacob Hopson, Maddie Hopson, Keith Jenkins and Kevin Knepper for helping to take down and clean up! Ashley Bowman...