Meet “Yumi” Yumeng Jin, Digital Media Coordinator Hi, my name is Yumeng Jin, but you can call me Yumi! I graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a Master’s in Marketing Analytics and Boston University with...
Parent’s Night Out was a complete success – thanks for Jessica Bright for hosting and the other adults and youth who served! Thank you everyone for your hard work, love for our children and service to our Lord! Most of you know it takes many hands to have a...
Thank You! I cannot say thanks enough to all who made our Christmas program, Joy Has Dawned, a success this past holiday season. If I tried to thank everyone by name I would run out of room on this page. Whether you were a singer, actor, stagehand, lighting and sound...
Bible Study All Wednesday night activities will resume on January 8. We have something for everyone – Awana’s, GA’s and RA’s, Youth Small groups, Women’s Bible Study and Pastor’s Bible study and prayer time. All activities kick off t 6 pm. Hope you will join us....
2025! Doesn’t seem that long ago when we were concerned about what would happen when the year 2000 came. Would our computers continue to work? Would our worldwide infrastructure collapse. Looking back, that is almost laughable. So, let’s just trust God and...
A Month of Prayer Our Strategic Planning Committee and our staff have spent countless hours evaluating data from our community and our church, parsing simple phrases to create shared language for our congregation, and dreaming about the future God has...