Minneapolis Mission Trip

As our departure date for the Twin Cities gets closer each day, there is a large sense of anticipation building. We are all very excited for the opportunity to serve in Minneapolis after losing out on the opportunity to travel and serve last year. We are continuously monitoring the situation prior to our trip and working closely with Praying Pelican Missions to try and create the safest environment possible. Please continue to pray for our student ministry, Praying Pelican Missions, and the city of Minneapolis. We are anxious for the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in just a few short months.

Students, as we get closer to this trip, do not forget your calling to serve in your local community. Being the hands and feet of Jesus does not begin and end by traveling to different cities or countries. Jesus has called you to serve in your local community, schools, and at your activities. The mission never ends, so embrace it, and continue to build the Kingdom!